The research so far into the Gushlow family tree has taken the date back to John Battist in 1748. We have discovered several facts or fiction, or a mixture of both, concerning the family name. The result of which always points across the Channel to Normandy.

Highland Heights Heraldry Ltd., from where I purchased a hand crafted Badge, decided that the name Gushlow was of Norman origin, coming to England in the 13th century as Goshelow. But that appears to be incorrect as the first Gushlow on record, John Henry Battist Gushlow, has John Battist as his father!

This links with other information suggest:

1. The Flemish connection with the Huguenot movement, The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV in October, 1685, began anew persecution of the Huguenots, and hundreds of thousands of Huguenots fled France to other countries. The Promulgation of the Edict of Toleration in November, 1787, partially restored the civil and religious rights of Huguenots in France. And as the Huguenots were French Protestants this would account for all the Battist/Gushlow births, marriages etc., taking place in Protestant Churches in the early years.

2. It was not any connection to the Huguenots but to the rise of the French "threat" due to Napoleon and the French Revolution. As John Henry Battist was born in 1784, he would have been 14 in 1798, when he was told by his father that his real name was Gushlow (Gushleau in the French language). He is stated to have gone to sea in a man-of-war at the age of 14 and on returning from one of his voyages was informed of the name change by his father John Battist. Thus it would have made sense to use an anglicised name, as there was every possibilty of being captured by a French vessel, whilst continuing his occupation as a sailor.

According to research carried out by William Caffall (husband of Annie Gushlow ~ 1883-1940), who was an archivist and genealogist, Battist could be a derivation of the Flemish form for Baptist and Gushlow the English form of Gushleau. Again indicating a French connection. Raymond Gushlow has said that a few years ago when passing through France his mother was certain that they had passed a shop with the sign Gushlow.

From the time my brother Mick and I started to research the family tree we have contacted,and been contacted by, Gushlows we had never heard of! A big vote of thanks has to go to Mercy Gushlow, who sadly passed away in November, 2003, and her nephew Malcom Carvell (who has become my unofficial proofreader, critic and mine of information) who through the years had collated enough data to form the trunk and the lower branches of the tree. Also Heather Lord, who lives in Australia, and whose great-grandmother was a Gushlow has contributed and still researching a lot of the data for the tree. And of course to all the Gushlows who have contributed information and copies of documents.

Mercy GushlowHeather Lord

Mercy Gushlow ~ Malcolm Carvell ~ Heather Lord

I have now traced most of the living Gushlows in the world even as far afield as the U.S.A. and Australia! But to fill in all the pieces of the jigsaw is a time taking task. There are still a lot of missing links in the tree but with a bit of luck one of the Gushlows is holding a vital piece of the chain. And amazingly quite a lot of the modern history of the Gushlows is missing.


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